محل تبلیغات شما

Seismic response of the trapezoidal alluvial hill located on a circular cavity: Incident SH-wave (In Persian). Mehdi Panji, Saeed Mojtabazadeh-Hasanlouei Abstract: In recent decades, the recognition of seismic ground motions and damage investigations in the presence of subsurface heterogeneities including cavities and inclusions during an earthquake have been considered among the seismologists. This issue is more significant for subsurface inclusions
Seismic response of the trapezoidal alluvial hill located on a circular cavity: Incident SH-wave (In Persian) Mehdi Panji, Saeed Mojtabazadeh-Hasanlouei & Mohammad Habibivand Abstract: A direct time-domain numerical approach named the half-plane boundary element method is proposed based on the half-space Green’s functions for seismic analysis of trapezoidal alluvial hill located on a circular cavity, subjected to propagating vertical incident SH-waves.


محل تبلیغات شما

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